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BioRay (Russia, Moscow)

Moscow-based company BIORAY is the division of large industrial holding company and a leading manufacturer and supplier of water and ecological equipment, solutions and services.

We currently implement our Client-Oriented Strategy with water products, solutions, sanitation and services through 6 complementary units

AQUA ATAR (Russia, Moscow)

The company “Aqua Star” is an exclusive distributor of world producer of drinking equipment (South-Korean Company WONBONG) on the territory of Russia and the Ukraine. “Aqua Star” offers equipment for getting drinking water of high quality: equipment apparatus of multistage filtration system.(coolers without water)

Geizer Company (Russia, Moscow)

Now the Geizer Company is the scientific and research holding Company with 100% Russian private capital. The fifteen-year experience of the successful market operation of the Company ensures development and production of the efficient home filters, design and installation of autonomous cottage systems for water treatment, industrial equipment for preparation of water and treatment of waste waters and etc

«METTEM-Technologies», Ltd. (Russia, Moscow region)

«METTEM-Technologies», Ltd. produces domestic water filters (trade mark BARRIER). The company exists since 1993. From the very start BARRIER filters showed themselves as top-quality goods. This ensured that already in 1995 the company succeeded in establishing its production in Korolev, Moscow Region (Rocket and Space Corporation Energia).

SWT, Сompany (Russia, Samara region)

SWT is a specialized company working in the field of engineering (consultation, designing, working out technologies, delivery and installation of water treatment equipment) and supplying chemical products to companies and organizations having water treatment and refining facilities for different purposes. According to our material technical supplying program we deliver such chemical materials as (coagulants, hydrazine hydrate, phosphates), filter materials (hydroanthracite, activated carbons), Ion exchange materials (cations, anions). The company is a distributor and partner of the following firms «Thermax Ltd.» (India), «Evers Anthrazitveredulang», «Ashland Drew Ameroid» (USA)«Chriwa», «Kinetico» (USA), «Earth Resources» (Czechia) and other famous producers and suppliers.

Osmos (Russia, Saint-Petersburg)

Production of membrane water-purification system for industrial and residential use. Back osmosis and ultrafiltration.

ECODAR (Russia, Moscow)

The company “ECODAR” offers the following services:
-water analysis
-choosing of equipment
-assembling, backup service, support manning for any private and industrial objects.

Wide range of domestic and back osmotic filters. Date of creation 1994.

February 18, 18:12