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Название исследования: Russian and World Market for Mineral Fertilizers (артикул: 16795 00730)
Дата выхода отчета: 8 Ноября 2012
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования:  
Количество страниц: 264
Язык отчета: Английский
Стоимость, руб.: 67500
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Russian and World Mineral Fertilizers Market Research Report, produced by GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING, covers the following key products:
• Nitrogen fertilizers;
• Phosphate fertilizers;
• Potash Fertilizers;
• Complex Fertilizers;

Countries Covered: Russia, Global Market
• World production;
• World consumption;
• World imports/exports of mineral fertilizers;
• Key products:
•     Nitrogen fertilizers;
•     Phosphate fertilizers;
•     Potash fertilizers;
•     Complex fertilizers.        

• Industry analysis;
• Revenue from  mineral fertilizers sales;
• Sales profitability;
• Investments in industry;
• Largest producers;
• Production trends;
• Key Products:
•      Nitrogen fertilizers;
•      Phosphate Fertilizers;
•      Potash fertilizers.

• Volume and value of imports;
• Imports geography;
• Key Products:
•     Nitrogen fertilizers;
•     Phosphate fertilizers;
•     Potash fertilizers;
•     Complex fertilizers.      

• Volume and value of exports;
• Exports geography;
• Key Products:
•      Nitrogen fertilizers;
•      Potash fertilizers;
•      Complex fertilizers.

• Use of fertilizers in agriculture;
• Market volume;
• Market structure by fertilizer type.
• Russian fertilizer industry outlook for 2012-2015.

• Producer prices  (including export prices) dynamics by Russian Region;
• Key products:
•             Nitrogen fertilizers;
•             Phosphate fertilizers;
•             Potash fertilizers;
•             Liquid complex fertilizers (NPK)


The profiles contain:
• General information;
• Range of products;
• Financial information

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    1.          EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

                  1.1. Key Research Areas

                  1.2. Methodology

                  1.3. Management Summary

                        World Market for Mineral Fertilizers

                         Domestic Mineral Fertilizer Production

                         Industry Analysis

                         Mineral Fertilizer Exports

                         Mineral Fertilizer Imports

                         Prices for Mineral Fertilizers

    2.          DEFINITIONS

                  2.1. Subject Definition

                  2.2. Classification of Mineral Fertilizers

                  2.3. Customs Classification of Fertilizers


                  3.1   GDP

                  3.2   Industrial Production Index

                  3.3   Foreign Trade

                  3.4   Forecast of Russian Economy Development for 2012-2014


                  4.1.  World Production and Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers

                  4.1.1. World Demand Dynamics

                  4.1.2. World Demand Structure

                  4.1.3. Production of Nitrogen Fertilizers

                           Production Structure

                           Geographical Distribution of Production

                   4.1.4. Production of Phosphate Fertilizers

                            Production Structure

                            Geographical Distribution of Production

                  4.1.5.  Production Of Potash Fertilizers

                  4.1.6.  World’s Largest Fertilizer Companies

                  4.2.    2012-2016 World Fertilizer Demand Outlook

                  4.3.    World Fertilizer Imports

                  4.3.1.  Imports Trends

                  4.3.2.  Imports Structure by Fertilizer Type

                  4.3.3.   Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports

                  4.3.4.   Phosphate Fertilizer Imports

                  4.3.5.   Potash Fertilizer Imports

                  4.3.6.   Complex Fertilizer Imports

                  4.4.      World Fertilizer Exports

                  4.4.1.    Exports Dynamics

                  4.4.2.    Exports Structure

                  4.4.3.    Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports

                  4.4.4.    Phosphate Fertilizer Exports

                  4.4.5.    Potash Fertilizer Exports

                  4.4.6.    Complex Fertilizer Exports


                  5.1.       Industry Analysis

                  5.1.1.    Revenue from Mineral Fertilizer Sales

                  5.1.2.    Sales Profitability

                  5.1.3.    Investments in The Industry

                  5.2.       Production Trends

                  5.3.       Production Structure

                  5.4.       Geographical Distribution of Production

                  5.4.1.     By Federal District

                  5.4.2.     By Region

                  5.5.        Largest Fertilizer Producers

                  5.6.        Nitrogen Fertilizer Production

                  5.6.1.      Production Dynamics

                  5.6.2.      Geographical Distribution of Production

                                By Federal District

                                By Region

                 5.6.3.       Largest Producers

                  5.7.         Phosphate Fertilizer Production

                  5.7.1.       Production Dynamics

                  5.7.2.       Geographical Distribution of Production

                                 By Federal District

                                  By Region

                 5.7.3.         Largest Producers

                  5.8.          Potash Fertilizer Production

                  5.8.1.       Production Dynamics

                  5.8.2.       Geographical Distribution of Production

                                 By Federal District

                                 By Region

                  5.8.3.       Largest Producer


                  6.1.        Total Exports

                  6.1.1.      Exports Trends

                  6.1.2.      Exports Structure

                  6.1.3.      Exports Structure by Destination Country

                  6.2.         Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports

                  6.3.         Potash Fertilizer Exports

                  6.4.         Complex Fertilizer Exports


                  7.1.     Total Imports

                  7.1.1.   Imports Trends

                  7.1.2.   Imports Structure

                  7.1.3.   Imports Structure by Country of Origin

                  7.2.      Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports

                  7.3.      Potash Fertilizer Imports

                  7.4.      Complex Fertilizer Imports


    8.1.       Fertilizer Use in the Agriculture

    8.2.       Mineral Fertilizer Market Balance

                8.2.1. Market Volume

                8.2.2. Market Structure



                  10.1.  Total Prices Dynamics

                  10.2.   Prices For Nitrogen Fertilizers

                  10.3.   Prices For Phosphate Fertilizers

                  10.4.   Prices For Potash Fertilizers

                  10.5.   Prices For Complex Liquid Fertilizers (NPK)


                  11.1.   URALKALI JSC

                  11.1.1. General Information

                  11.1.2.   Range of Products

                  11.1.3.   Financial Information

                  11.2.     AMMOFOS JSC (PHOSAGRO-CHEREPOVETS JSC)

                  11.2.1.   General Information

                  11.2.2.   Range of Products

                  11.2.3.   Financial Information

                  11.3.      ACRON JSC

                  11.3.1.    General Information

                  11.3.2.    Range of Products

                  11.3.3.    Financial Information

                  11.4.       NOVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT (NAK AZOT) JSC

                  11.4.1.    General Information

                  11.4.2.     Range of Products

                  11.4.3.     Financial Information

                  11.5.        NEVINNOMYSSKY AZOT JSC

                  11.5.1.     General Information

                  11.5.2.     Range of Products

                  11.5.3.     Financial Information

                  11.6.        AZOT KJSC

                  11.6.1.     General Information

                  11.6.2.     Range of Products

                  11.6.3.     Financial Information




Перечень приложений

Figure 1.     Advantages of Fertilizers Use
Figure 2.     Classification of Mineral Fertilizers
Figure 3.     Classification of Fertilizers according to HS Codes
Figure 4.     Production of GDP, 2000-2011, Current Prices; Billion Rubles
Figure 5.     Physical Volume Indices of GDP, 2000-2011, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
Figure 6.     Physical Volume Indices of GDP by Economic Activity, 2010-2011, at Constant Prices; % of the Corresponding Period of Previous Year
Figure 7.     Industrial Production Index, 2000-2011, % to the Previous Year
Figure 8.     Dynamics of Trade Surplus, Exports and Imports, 2000-8M2011, Billion $
Figure 9.     Actual and Estimated Urals Oil Prices, 2005-2015, Dollars per Barrel
Figure 10.     Main Macroeconomic Indices, 2002-2015, % of the Previous Year
Figure 11.     Main Income Indices, 2002-2015, % of the Previous Year
Figure 12.     World Fertilizer Demand, 2007/08 – 2011/12, MMT nutrients
Figure 13.     World Fertilizer Demand Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2011/12, %
Figure 14.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production Structure by Type, 2010, %
Figure 15.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2010, %
Figure 16.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production by Country, 2010, %
Figure 17.     World Phosphate Fertilizers Production by Fertilizer Type, 2010, %
Figure 18.     World Phosphate Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2010, %
Figure 19.     World Phosphate Fertilizers Production by  Country, 2010, %
Figure 20.     World Potash Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2010, %
Figure 21.     World Potash Fertilizers Production by Country, 2010, %
Figure 22.     Production Structure of World’s Largest Fertilizer Companies, 2011, Million Metric Tons and %
Figure 23.     Production Capacities of World’s Largest Fertilizer Companies, 2011, Million Metric Tons Nutrients/Year
Figure 24.     Projected Growth in World Fertilizer Consumption, 2016/2011, %
Figure 25.     Projected World Nitrogen Fertilizer Consumption, 2012-2016, Million Metric Tons
Figure 26.     Projected World Phosphate Fertilizer Consumption, 2012-2016, Million Metric Tons
Figure 27.     Projected World Potash Fertilizer Consumption 2012-2016, Million Metric Tons
Figure 28.     Anticipated Evolution of Fertilizer Demand Between 2007/08 and 2012/2013, Million Metric Tons
Figure 29.     World Fertilizer Imports, Volume and Value, 2007-   2011, 1,000 Metric Tons and Million USD
Figure 30.     World Fertilizer Imports by Fertilizer Type, Volume and Value, 2011 , %
Figure 31.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 32.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2010
Figure 33.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Importers, Value, 2011, %
Figure 34.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 35.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2010
Figure 36.    Top Phosphate Fertilizer Importers, Value, 2011, %
Figure 37.     Top Potash Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 38.     Top Potash Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2010
Figure 39.     Top Potash Fertilizer Importers, Value, 2011, %.
Figure 40.     Top Complex Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 41.     Top Complex Fertilizer Importers, Volume, 2010
Figure 42.     Top Complex Fertilizer Importers, Value, 2011, %
Figure 43.     World Fertilizer Exports Dynamics, Volume and Value, 2007-2011, 1,000 metric Tons and Million USD
Figure 44.     World Fertilizer Exports Structure by Fertilizer Type, Volume and Value, 2011, %
Figure 45.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 46.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2010
Figure 47.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Exporters, Value, 2011, %
Figure 48.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 49.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2010
Figure 50.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Exporters, Value, 2011, %
Figure 51.     Top Potash Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 52.     Top Potash Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2010 г.
Figure 53.     Top Potash Fertilizer Exporters, Value,  2011, %
Figure 54.     Top Complex Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 55.     Top Complex Fertilizer Exporters, Volume, 2010
Figure 56.     Top Complex Fertilizer Exporters, Value, 2011, %
Figure 57.     Revenue from Mineral Fertilizer Sales, 2006-6М 2012, Billion RUB
Figure 58.     Revenue from Mineral Fertilizer Sales by Region, 2011, %
Figure 59.     Mineral Fertilizer Sales Profitability in Russia, 2006-2011, %
Figure 60.     Investment in the Industry, 2006-6М 2012, Billion RUB and %
Figure 61.     Investments Structure, 2011, %
Figure 62.     Domestic Mineral Fertilizer Production, 2005-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons and %
Figure 63.     Domestic Mineral Fertilizer Production, 7М 2011 – 7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 64.     Monthly Dynamics of Domestic Mineral Fertilizer Production, 2011 -7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 65.     Mineral Fertilizer Production Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2005-7М 2012, %
Figure 66.     Geographical Distribution of Mineral Fertilizer Production by Federal District, 2011, %
Figure 67.     Geographical Distribution of Mineral Fertilizer Production by Region, 2011, %
Figure 68.     Structure of EuroChem JSC
Figure 69.     Structure of PhosAgro JSC
Figure 70.     Structure of URALCHEM JSC
Figure 71.     Structure of Acron Group
Figure 72.     Mineral Fertilizer Production Structure by Producer, 2011, %
Figure 73.     Top Mineral fertilizer Producers, Value, 2011, %
Figure 74.     Domestic Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 2006-2011, 1,000 Thousand Metric Tons and  %
Figure 75.     Domestic Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 7М 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 76.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Structure by Federal District, 2011, %
Figure 77.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Structure by Region, 2011, %
Figure 78.     Top Nitrogen Fertilizer Producers, 2011, %
Figure 79.     Top 3 Nitrogen Fertilizer Producer, 2009-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 80.     Domestic Phosphate Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 2006-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons and  %
Figure 81.     Domestic Phosphate Fertilizer Production Dynamics,          7М 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 82.     Phosphate Fertilizer Production Structure by Federal District, 2011, %
Figure 83.     Phosphate Fertilizer Production Structure by Region, 2011, %
Figure 84.     Top Phosphate Fertilizer Producers,     2011, %
Figure 85.     Top 3 Phosphate Fertilizer Producers, 2005-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 86.     Domestic Potash Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 2006-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons and  %
Figure 87.     Domestic Potash Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 7М 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 88.     Potash Fertilizer Production Structure by Federal District, 2011, %
Figure 89.     Potash Fertilizer Production Structure by Region, 2011, %
Figure 90.     Top Potash Fertilizer Producers, 2011, %
Figure 91.     URALKALI JSC Potash Fertilizer Production Dynamics, 2005-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Figure 92.     Russian Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics, Volume, 2006- 6М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons and %
Figure 93.     Russian Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics, Value, 2006 – 6М 2012, Million USD
Figure 94.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Structure by Fertilizer Type, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 95.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Fertilizer Type, Volume, 2006- 6М 2012, %
Figure 96.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Structure by Fertilizer Type, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 97.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Fertilizer Type, Value, 2006- 6М 2012, %
Figure 98.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Structure by Destination Country, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 99.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Structure by Destination Country, Value, 2011, %
Figure 100.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports, Volume and Value, 2006-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons and Million USD
Figure 101.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 102.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Value, 2011, %
Figure 103.     Potash Fertilizer Exports, Volume and Value, 2006-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons and Million USD
Figure 104.     Potash Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 105.     Potash Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Value, 2011, %
Figure 106.     Complex Fertilizer Exports, Volume and Value, 2006-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons and Million USD
Figure 107.     Complex Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 108.     Complex Fertilizer Exports by Destination Country, Value, 2011, %
Figure 109.     Russian Mineral Fertilizer Imports Dynamics, 2006-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons and  %
Figure 110.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports, Value, 2006-6М 2012, million USD and  %
Figure 111.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Structure by Fertilizer Type, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 112.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Structure by Fertilizer Type, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 113.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 114.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Value, 2011, %
Figure 115.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports Dynamics, Volume and Value, 2006-6М 2012
Figure 116.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 117.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Value, 2011, %
Figure 118.     Potash Fertilizer Imports Dynamics, Volume and Value, 2006- 6М 2012
Figure 119.     Potash Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of origin, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 120.     Potash Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of origin, Value, 2011, %
Figure 121.     Complex Fertilizer Imports Dynamics, Volume and Value, 2006-6М 2012
Figure 122.     Complex Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Volume, 2011, %
Figure 123.     Complex Fertilizer Imports Structure by Country of Origin, Value, 2011, %
Figure 124.     Amount of Mineral Fertilizer Applied and Fertilizers Applied per Kg per Hectare , 2005-2011
Figure 125.     Mineral Fertilizer Production and Consumption Dynamics, 2005-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons Nutrients
Figure 126.     Production, Imports and Exports of Mineral Fertilizers in Russia, 2005-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons
Figure 127.     Growth Rates of Production, Imports and Exports of Mineral Fertilizers , 2007-2011, %
Figure 128.     Share of Exports in Russian Mineral Fertilizer Production Structure, 2005-6М 2012, %
Figure 129.     Projected Production of Mineral Fertilizers, 2012-2015, 1,000 Tons
Figure 130.     Monthly Dynamics of Average Producer Prices for Mineral Fertilizers, 2009 - 7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Figure 131.     Average Producer Prices for Nitrogen Fertilizers for Domestic Agricultural Consumers and Export, 2009 – 7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Figure 132.     Average Producer Prices for Phosphate Fertilizers for Domestic Agricultural Consumers, 2009 – 7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Figure 133.     Average Producer Prices for Potash Fertilizers for Domestic Agricultural Consumers and Export, 2009 – 7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Figure 134.     Average Producer Prices for Complex Fertilizers for Domestic Agricultural Consumers and Export, 2009 – 7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Figure 135.     Federal Districts of Russia
Figure 136.     Regions of Russia

Table 1.     Major Parameters of Macroeconomic Forecast for 2013-2015
Table 2.     World Fertilizer Demand Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2007/08 – 2011/12, MMT nutrients
Table 3.     World Fertilizer Consumption Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2011-2012, MMT nutrients
Table 4.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production Structure by Type, 2005-2010, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 5.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2006-2010, MT
Table 6.     World Nitrogen Fertilizers Production by Country, 2006-2010, Metric  Tons
Table 7.     World Phosphate Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2006-2010, Tons
Table 8.     World Phosphate Fertilizers Production by  Country, 2006-2010, Metric Tons
Table 9.     World Potash Fertilizers Production by World Region, 2006-2010, Tons
Table 10.     World Potash Fertilizers Production by Country,  2006-2010, Metric Tons
Table 11.     World Fertilizer Imports by Fertilizer Type, Volume and Value, 2007-2011, 1,000 metric Tons and Million USD
Table 12.     Geographical Distribution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Tons
Table 13.     Geographical Distribution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 14.     Geographical Distribution of Phosphate Fertilizer Imports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 15.     Geographical Distribution of Phosphate Fertilizer Imports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 16.     Geographical Distribution of Potash Fertilizer Imports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Tons
Table 17.     Geographical Distribution of Potash Fertilizer Imports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 18.     Geographical Distribution of Complex Fertilizer Imports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 19.     Geographical Distribution of Complex Fertilizer Imports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 20.     World Fertilizer Exports Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2007-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons and Million USD
Table 21.     Geographical Distribution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports by Country, Volume,  2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 22.     Geographical Distribution of Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 23.     Geographical Distribution of Phosphate Fertilizer Exports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 24.     Geographical Distribution of Phosphate Fertilizer Exports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 25.     Geographical Distribution of Potash Fertilizer Exports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 26.     Geographical Distribution of Potash Fertilizer Exports by Country, Value, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 27.     Geographical Distribution of Complex Fertilizer Exports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, Metric Tons
Table 28.     Geographical Distribution of Complex Fertilizer Exports by Country, Volume, 2007-2011, $1,000
Table 29.     Revenue from Mineral Fertilizer Sales by Region, 2006-2011, Million RUB
Table 30.     Mineral Fertilizer Sales Profitability by Federal District, 2006 - 2011, %
Table 31.     Mineral Fertilizer Sales Profitability by Region, 2006-2011, %
Table 32.     Investment in the Industry by Region, 2006-2011, Million RUB
Table 33.     Investments Dynamics by Source, 2006-2011, Million RUB
Table 34.     Mineral Fertilizer Production Structure by Fertilizer Type, 2005-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 35.     Geographical Distribution of Mineral Fertilizer Production by Federal District, 2005-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 36.     Geographical Distribution of Mineral Fertilizer Production by Region, 2005-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 37.     URALKALI JSC Range of Products
Table 38.     EuroChem Range of Products
Table 39.     PhosAgro JSC Range of Products
Table 40.     URALCHEM JSC Range of Products
Table 41.     Acron Group Range of Products
Table 42.     Mineral Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Top Producers, 2006-2011, Million RUB
Table 43.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 44.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Region, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 45.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Producer, 2009-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 46.     Phosphate Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Federal District, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 47.     Phosphate Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Region, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 48.     Phosphate Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Producer, 2005 - 2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 49.     Potash Fertilizer Production Structure by Federal District, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 50.     Potash Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Region, 2006-7М 2012, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 51.     Potash Fertilizer Production Dynamics by Producer, 2005-2011, 1,000 Metric Tons
Table 52.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports by HS Code, 2011, 1,000 Tons and Million USD
Table 53.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 54.     Mineral Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000
Table 55.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 56.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000
Table 57.     Potash Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 58.     Potash Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000
Table 59.     Complex Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 60.     Complex Fertilizer Exports Dynamics by Destination Country, Value, 2006-2011, Million USD
Table 61.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports by HS Codes, 2011, 1,000 Tons and Million USD
Table 62.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 63.     Mineral Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000.
Table 64.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 65.     Nitrogen Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2006-2011
Table 66.     Potash Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 67.     Potash Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000
Table 68.     Complex Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Volume, 2006-2011, Tons
Table 69.     Complex Fertilizer Imports Dynamics by Country of Origin, Value, 2006-2011, $1,000.
Table 70.     Amount of Mineral Fertilizers Applied in Agricultural Organizations, 2005-2011, Million Tons and Kg per Hectare
Table 71.     Apparent Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers in Russia, 2005-6М 2012, 1,000 Tons Nutrients
Table 72.     Forecast for Mineral Fertilizer Production in Russia, 2011-2015, % and Million Tons
Table 73.     Average Producer Prices for Nitrogen Fertilizers by Federal District, 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Table 74.     Average Producer Prices for Phosphate Fertilizers by Federal District, 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Table 75.     Average Producer Prices for Potash Fertilizers by Federal District, 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Table 76.     Average Producer Prices for Complex Liquid Fertilizers (NPK) by Federal District, 2011-7М 2012, 1,000 RUB/Ton
Table 77.     Balance Sheet of URALKALI JSC, 2008 - 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 78.     Profit and Loss Statement of URALKALI JSC, 2008 – 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 79.     Financial Ratios of URALKALI JSC, 2007 - 2011
Table 80.     Range of Products of AMMOFOS JSC
Table 81.     Balance Sheet of AMMOFOS JSC, 2008 – Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 82.     Profit and Loss Statement of AMMOFOS JSC, 2008 – Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 83.     Financial Ratios of AMMOFOS JSC, 2008 - 2012
Table 84.     Range of Products of ACRON JSC
Table 85.     Balance Sheet of ACRON JSC, 2008 – Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 86.     Profit and Loss Statement of ACRON JSC , 2008 – Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 88.     Financial Ratios of ACRON JSC, 2008 - 2012
Table 89.     Range of Products of NOVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT JSC
Table 90.     Balance Sheet of NOVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT JSC, 2008 –Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 91.     Profit and Loss Statement of NOVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT JSC, 2008 – Q1 2012, 1,000 RUB
Table 92.     Financial Ratios of NOVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT JSC, 2008 - 2012
Table 93.     Range of Products of NEVINNOMYSSKY AZOT JSC
Table 94.     Balance Sheet of NEVINNOMYSSKY AZOT JSC, 2008 - 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 95.     Profit and Loss Statement of NEVINNOMYSSKY AZOT JSC, 2008 - 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 97.     Financial Ratios of NEVINNOMYSSKY AZOT JSC, 2007- 2011
Table 98.     Range of Products of AZOT KJSC
Table 99.     Balance Sheet of AZOT KJSC, 2008 - 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 100.     Profit and Loss Statement of AZOT KJSC, 2008 - 2011, 1,000 RUB
Table 101.     Financial Ratios of AZOT KJSC, 2007- 2011
Table A1.     Average Producer Prices for Mineral Fertilizers by Federal Districts, 2011-7M2012, RUB/Ton

Исследования по теме
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Актуальные исследования и бизнес-планы
Обзор Рынок овощей защищенного грунта России
1. Анализ российского рынка свежих овощей 1.1. Общая характеристика отрасли овощеводства в России 1.1.1. Динамика развития овощеводства в России 1.1.2. Основные тенденции производства овощей открытого грунта и тепличных хозяйств 1.1.3. Особенности развития тепличных хозяйств в России 1.2. Проблемы и перспективы развития тепличных хозяйств 1.2.1. Проблемы развития тепличных хозяйств Российской Федерации 1.2.2. Перспективы развития тепличных хозяйств Российской Федерации 2.Описание технико-технологических особенностей выращивания овощей 2.1.Технология производства - гидропоника 2.1.1.Методы гидропоники 2.1.2.Системы гидропоники 2.2.Технология производства – грунт 2.2.1.Общая характеристика технологии 2.2.2.Система удобрений в теплицах 3. Сегментация рынка 3.1. Сегментация по характеристикам плодов продукции 3.1.1. Классификация томатов: 3.1.2.Классификация огурцов 3.1.3.Классификация перцев 3.1.4.Классификация зеленных 3.1.5.Классификация баклажанов 3.2.Сегментация по видам упаковки 3.3.Сегментация по рынкам сбыта 4. Общая характеристика объема рынка свежих томатов, огурцов, перцев 4.1. Общая характеристика рынка потребления свежих овощей 4.2. Определение натурального объема рынка свежих овощей России 4.3. Определение стоимостного объема рынка свежих овощей России 4.3.1.Анали…
Рынок кофе в России: состояние и тенденции его развития
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Рынок свежих овощей, фруктов и ягод. Текущая ситуация и прогноз
МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ СПИСОК ГРАФИКОВ, ДИАГРАММ, ТАБЛИЦ И СХЕМ 1. ОБЩЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ РОССИИ 1.1. Население России Численность населения Крупнейшие города Уровень жизни населения Экономическая активность 1.2. Экономическая ситуация Динамика развития экономики Стабильность государственного бюджета 1.3. Особые экономические зоны 1.4. Развитие предпринимательства в России 1.5. Инвестиционный потенциал Россия в целом Регионы 1.6. Положение России в мире Доля РФ в мировом населении 2. ОБЪЕКТ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ 2.1. Характеристика товара 2.2. Способы классификации 3. МИРОВОЙ РЫНОК 3.1. Овощи Посевные площади Производство овощей 3.2. Фрукты и ягоды Мировое производство Импорт и экспорт 3.3. Положение России на мировом рынке 4. АНАЛИЗ РОЗНИЧНЫХ ПРОДАЖ ОВОЩЕЙ И ФРУКТОВ 4.1. Свежие овощи и картофель Динамика по годам Динамика по кварталам Объемы по федеральным округам и регионам РФ 4.2. Фрукты Динамика по годам Динамика по кварталам Объемы по федеральным округам и регионам РФ 5. ОБЪЕМ РОССИЙСКОГО РЫНКА 5.1. Рынок овощей, фруктов и ягод Динамика по годам Доля импорта на рынке Потребление в РФ 5.2. Рынок овощей Динамика по годам Структура рынка Доля импорта на рынке Потребление в РФ 5.3. Рынок фруктов и ягод Динамика по годам Структура рынка Доля импорта на рынке Потребление …
5 Июль, 22:04
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