"TEREZA-INTER" The research-and-production company (Russia, Moscow)
The research-and-production company "TEREZA-INTER" was founded in 1990 as joint venture with a French company "Reynaud et Fils", the manufacturer of food flavours, perfumery compounds, fragrances and natural essential oils.
“TEREZA-INTER” is one of the most successful traders in food flavours, natural and synthetic food colours, natural essential oils and fragrances in Russia and CIS countries since 1990. We have branch offices in Minsk (Belorus) and Kiev (Ukraine) and more than 30 regional trade dealers and distributers in major cities of Russia and in ex-Soviet Union states.
"Tereza-Inter" is a member of IFEAT - International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades.
"Tereza-Inter" is a co-founder of Union of Food Ingredients Producers of Russia.
Soyuzopttorg, LLC (Russia, Tatarstan)
Established in St. Petersburg at the end of the 1990s, Soyuzopttorg supplies food manufacturers with over 500 titles of food ingredients and additives.
But we are more than merely a «supplier». We enable our customers to produce quality food products by making them feel comfortable and confident. In telling about our company, it is not our intention to aggrandize ourselves, but only to recount the facts.