Fountain Foods LLC (Russia, Moscow)
«Korolevskaya Voda» is considered to be one of the best according to the quality and the percentage of mineral salt. “Korolevskaya Voda” is extracted from the well (200 meters) in the Solnechnogorsky region. The factory is situated there.
Aquatech Profi (Russia, Moscow)
Manufacturing company Aquatech-profi offers natural mineral drinking table-water “Staro-Derbinovskaya”. Office and home delivery. There is a wide assortment of water heating and cooling equipment and different accessories. Wholesale and retail distribution. We also offer treated drinking water “Rubleva Yspenskaya”.
MaxFood TD
We produce and distribute drinking water under trademarks “Serebryanaya Kapelka”, “Diplomat” and “Gdgelka” in bottles of different capacity in Pskov, Saint-Petersburg and other regions.
Russia, Pskov Region
Pskov, Novatorov str. 2
Phone: +7 (8112) 555976