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Companies :: Drinking water :: Still water

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MWH LLC (Russia, Krasnodar Region)

Production and bottling of natural mineral water “Serebryany Istochnik” in PET bottles of different capacity: 0,5 litres; 1,5 litres ,5litres; 19 litres. Production of aerated soft drinks with fruit aromas, that are in assortment in bottles of 1,5 litres.

Closed joined-stock company “Nasoloda” (Ukraine, Donetsk Region, Donetsk)

Production of soft drinks of TM “Delight” (juice containing drinks), of TM “Funtik” (low-cal-drinks), of TM H2O (drinking water), of TM “Dgerelna” (drinking water), of TM “Firmeny Kvass” (kvass drink).
Food stuff distribution on the territory of the Ukraine.

“Volgsky sad” (Russia, Samara Region)

“Volgsky sad” enterprise is the producer of drinking water and soft drinks of the trademark “VioLLe”. Despite the fact that the name of the TM sounds Italian, all our production is made on ecologically clean territory of the Samara region (in the Stavropol region, village Yagodnoe). Clean natural drinking water is the basis of our products that are made under the TM “VioLLe”.

Rodnikovy Kray (Russia, Moscow)

Water production is situated in the ecologically clean region of Karelian Isthmus. Our water isn’t processed, mineralized or preserved, it was made by Nature. Because of the ideal balance of biologically active and vitally important mineral salt and microelements this water can be used from the first days of a child's life and during pregnancy. All this is confirmed by norms of sanitary-hygienic laboratory and by conformance certificate. We offer home and office deliver of natural drinking water.

Bagiatty firm (Russia, Moscow)

Production of mineral water “Bagiatty”
Production of mineral water “Moskovia”

MGA Water LLC (Armenia, CIS)

In Armenia MGA Water is the leader in the drinking water production and its home and office delivery. The main company products are non-aerated drinking water “CLEAR WATER” and ice “PURE WATER”. At present time the company produces water in 19 litre bottles and in 5 litre bottles. Also we are planning to produce water in bottles of small capacity. The company offers different kinds of coolers of high quality. Our clients can buy or lent them.

Baikalsky Rodnik LLC (Russia, Irkutsk Region)

We produce clean medical water “Zeleny Mys”. This water is extracted from a crystal clear spring that is situated on the picturesque Baikal bay. This water has a positive influence on the work of liver and kidneys; it also normalizes the state of health. It has unusual fresh taste. It is good for drinking and preparing food. Pet package: 0,5 and 1,5 liters.


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March 10, 23:13