INCOS (Russia, Saint-Peterburg)
The idea to join the business of supplying juice concentrates and purees to Russian food industry appeared in 1996. For more than 2 years we collected any information about this market. In 1999 we opened the company INCOS - Juice Concentrates.
In the past years INCOS - Juice Concentrates gained some experience and a good reputation in Russia and international community. Now we are recognized as a serious and respectable participant of the market and a trustworthy partner. Such credit enables us to have the advantage of fair prices and terms of deliveries and constantly develop our cooperation with partners and customers.
Now we collaborate with more than 70 producers of juices, nectars, ice-cream and jams. We supply different products from all the world. We appreciate our reputation and prefer to work with products which comply with the international quality standards (AIJN, SGF, USDA, etc.)
This business of ours is growing, and our doors are always open for new contacts and clients.
Closed joined-stock company “Central Chernozem Fru (Russia, Voronezh Region)
Production of juices «NewTone»of straight extraction. Production and sale of fresh apples, pears, raspberry.
Limited company “SoyzPlodProm” (Russia, Moscow)
Limited company “SoyzPlodProm” aims to produce juices, nectars and beverages that are available to large levels of population. We produce juices and nectars of TM “SoyzPlodProm”, juices of TM “Weekend”, beverages of TM “Dvigok” (ice-tea)
"Plant of fruit beverages" (Russia, Kirov Region)
Production of juices and beverages “Smak”. The quality of our production is verified with government certificates and with the results of water analysis. The quality of our water is appreciated by leading experts in the sphere of soft drinks